Diablo 2 runewords infinity
Diablo 2 runewords infinity

diablo 2 runewords infinity diablo 2 runewords infinity

However, this only applies to the attacks the hireling actual performs. Ist Rune Mal Rune Ber Rune x2 4os ETH Thresher or Mancatcher (Can request. It also causes a substantial reduction in the lightning resist of enemies. Unmade Infinity for Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Pack consists of the following. This aura reduces the resistances of enemies, significantly increasing the elemental damage of both the hero and the merc.

diablo 2 runewords infinity

It is the best mercenary weapon in the game because of its bonuses, giving the hireling Crushing Blow, chance to cast Chain Lightning, and a Level 12 Conviction Aura. Welcome to Wowheads guide to Runewords in Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.7 & Ladder Season 4. Infinity is a runeword consisting of Ber-Mal-Ber-Ist for four-socketed polearms in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Our Youtube videos have more updated content.

Diablo 2 runewords infinity